Frequently used Git commands

git remote set-url origin https://[username]:[personal-access-token][username]/[branch-name].git
git clone https://[username]:[personal-access-token][username]/[branch-name].git
git clone https://[username][username]/[branch-name].git

git branch -d [branch-name]                       # delete local branch
git branch -D [branch-name]                       # force delete local branch
git branch -d `git branch --list 'branch-name-*'` # delete multiple local branches with wildcard

git stash          # save modified and staged changes to stash (stack)
git stash list     # list stashed file changes
git stash pop      # merge changes from top of stack to current branch
git stash drop     # delete stash from top of stack

git pull
git pull origin master --no-rebase
git pull origin main --no-rebase
git pull origin [branch-name] --no-rebase