Why I use Nvim?

I have tried many editors during my career as a Software Developer. I keep switching between them, I guess at some level Neovim gave the sense of flexibility without actually having to switch to another editor. I got to love the h,j,k,l motions and started to hate to move my hand to reach the mouse.

Nvim Configuration

Finding the true love

I was learning React, back in 2016. I was following the tutorials in YouTube, link here. The author was initially using Atom and later switched to vim. I knew what vim was, but never knew vim could be configured to be used as an editor. I followed his git repository and understood basic configurations. Back then I didn't even know what a dotfile was.

Customizing VS Code

I had customized vs code a bit too much, some of the plugins had speacial configs. I did find it difficult to switch betweeen the work and personal settings. Though I could port the settings file, it is still not as convinient as using dotfiles. One could argue, saying this is a one time setting.